Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Fair haven Christ Fellowship supports Dr. Narendra Singh and his ministries across North India. Dr Singh is doing the work of evangelism and church planting. He also trains and mentors the new pastors to in all the areas. Many of the churches gather in a church hall which is erected with bamboo sticks, roof covered with plastic sheets and walls with cotton cloth fabric. These newly baptized believers face hostility and opposition from their families and community.
Please pray and support the work of the Lord being done in Northern India
Please pray and support the work of the Lord being done in Northern India
Active Missionaries
Narendra and Pinky Singh

Rev. Dr. Narendra Singh
President/Senior Pastor
Cross Ministries
Cross Bible Church
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
President/Senior Pastor
Cross Ministries
Cross Bible Church
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Please support the ministry in Northern India as the Lord leads.